This video identifies the Top 5 causes of Ankle Pain! Featuring ankle arthritis, ankle spurs, peroneal tendon injury, Achilles tendonitis & posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Ankle pain can be debilitating, and can be associated with ankle swelling, discomfort & reduced mobility. We explore the areas of pain where pathology is located around the ankle, including over the big toe side of the ankle, back of the ankle, front of the ankle & little toe side of the ankle.
#anklepain #painaroundtheankle #anklebonepain #anklefootpain #anklearthritis #pttd #peronealtenosynovitis #tibialisposteriordysfunction #achillestendonitis #anklespurs #ankleimpingement #ankleosteophytes #anklesurgery #footandanklesurgery #newcastle #lakemacquarie #huntervalley #tamworth #hunterfootandankle