Conor McGregor broke his leg in his UFC 264 fight against Dustin Poirier earlier today. The injury likely wasn’t sustained at the time everybody thinks it was, with his leg likely fractured a little bit earlier, and then rolled underneath him, giving way as he went to step on it. Conor McGregor likely has an ankle fracture or tibial shaft fracture and will be out for some time (at least 8-12 months). Take a look at our video for the injury analysis.
#ConorMcGregorBreaksAnkle #ConorMcGregorbrokenankle #ConorMcGregor #ConorMcGregorbrokenankle #ConorMcGregorbreaksankle #ConorMcGregorleginjury #ConorMcGregorankleinjury #ConorMcGregoranklefracture #ConorMcGregorinjuryexplained #ConorMcGregorinjuryanalysis #ConorMcGregorUFC264 #ConorMcGregorvsDustinPoirier #UFC #ankleinjury #tamworth #huntervalley #lakemacquarie #newcastle #newcastlefootandankleorthopaedicsurgeon #hunterfootandankle